Hello again, my friends today, I go down intensively. This is true because I neglected the blog for a while and now I have
returned to it and I want to compensate you for all of my private news that I only share with you.
Well in this article, I would like to tell you about the concert that I performed in one of the national theaters that I had An effective role in it where all the audiences admired what she presented from singing on the stage and a performance that dazzled everyone, especially when I sing rap songs,the enthusiasm of the audience increases and the important interaction doubles from all of this.
I performed the concert at the end of the last year, that is, on 12/11/2019, that is, from 10 months I almost did not do any artistic activity after that on stage, as you know because of the crisis the world went through, but it was really one of the most amazing concerts that I performed, especially the wonderful audience, who interacted strongly with the songs that I performed on stage
But I am not only here to tell you this, but I am here to share this news with you in order to be close to all my lovers and to draw a smile on your faces and give you optimism that we will remain strong no matter what happens.